BWS Germanlingua | Blog

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Courses, Fees and Accommodation in

Wie kann ich Deutsch effektiv lernen?

Wie kann ich Deutsch effektiv lernen?

3 Nützliche Tools für Selbstlerner der Deutschen Sprache Hast du schon die heutigen Hausaufgaben der Sprachschule abgearbeitet? Bist du hoch motiviert zum zusätzlichen Selbstlernen, aber unsicher, welches Lernmaterial dir verfügbar ist? Heute empfehle ich euch...

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Brandenburg entdecken: Potsdam

Auf der Landkarte Deutschlands ist zu sehen, dass Berlin eine kleine Insel in Brandenburg ist. Im Kontrast zur hektischen Hauptstadt voller Menschen herrscht in Brandenburg Ruhe. Paddeln und Angeln in Spreewald oder Wandern im Naturpark der Märkischen Schweiz. Dort...

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6 tips on how to learn a language

Useful tips you need to know when learning a language It does not matter if you are learning German, French or Japanese, learning a language is everything but easy, however, don’t let yourself get down, nothing is impossible. We gathered some tips that will help you...

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The process of language learning

Language learning is a process, it’s not something that happens overnight, it brings us out of our comfort zone, and like every other process, it makes us discover something new about ourselves. When learning a language, the first step should always be setting goals....

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Part 4: Fun and Activities! (Spaß und Aktivitäten)

BWS Germanlingua Munich - Top tips for life outside of the classroom Making the most of your time in Munich: First thing´s first, your top priority should be to check the activities board in your school. Every week there are fun activities and cultural excursions...

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Part 3: Travelling! (Reisen in München und Bayern)

Getting around Munich (Unterwegs in der Stadt) Public transport links in Munich are surprisingly straight-forward, especially if you have the DB app. I cannot recommend this enough. The DB (Deutsche Bahn) Navigator App shows you all of your travel options and tells...

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Part 2: Money

Top tips for life outside of the classroom while during your German language course It´s always a good idea to carry some cash: In Munich, I find it so useful to keep some spare change (das Kleingeld) and cash (das Bargeld) in my bag (was für eine Engländerin nicht...

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Top tips for life outside of the classroom

While studying German in Munich So, you're coming to study German with BWS Germanlingua? Excellent choice. The school in Munich is in such a beautiful location, the teachers are so nice and the classes are super fun (sie machen viel Spaß)! What else is there to think...

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Soccer VFL ERP – a whole new experience

I want to stay as active as I can while spending my 3 months in Germany. I am staying in Weilerswist with my husbands family. My husband and I met through soccer and it has always been a huge part of my life. Because of this I knew I wanted to try to play while I was...

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